A Course in Miracles - A Modern Day Spiritual Classic

A Course In Miracles is the most bestselling spiritual book of our time. It is a profoundly influential text that has helped transform lives from fear to love, blame to forgiveness and brokenness to wholeness. Whether you are looking for a roadmap to healing your relationships, recovering from illness, restoring financial abundance or finding inner peace, A Course in Miracles will help you on your journey.

As a result of the popularity of this modern day spiritual classic, people all over the world are now awakening to the Course’s life-transforming teachings. Regardless of their beliefs, they are finding that its profound concepts of forgiveness and the shift from ego to spirit are universally applicable to everyone’s personal and global transformation.

But with so many different interpretations of the text and the sheer number of lessons, attempting to read the entire Course can be overwhelming. And for many, it’s simply not doable. Even if they were to read the entire set of books—the 669-page Text, 466-page Workbook and 92-page Teacher’s Manual—they would probably still feel like they haven’t really understood it.

And yet, despite its Acim pdf daunting size and complexity, A Course in Miracles has been the inspiration of thousands of lives around the world. It has touched the hearts of men and women from every walk of life, from every major religion, and given them the courage to live their own truth.

The Course is a metaphysical self-study curriculum that presents a spiritual way of life based on contact with an internal “Holy Spirit” or “internal teacher.” It incorporates Christian terminology, Eastern mysticism and perennial philosophy and makes use of modern psychological insights.

Upon its publication in 1976, the Course became an instant bestseller—selling more than three million copies without any paid advertising. It has become a modern spiritual classic and acquired scriptural status for its followers, who are drawn from all walks of life, from every major religion and from those who consider themselves to be "spiritual but not religious."

But what exactly is A Course in Miracles? And what is it that has so affected the hearts and minds of so many people around the globe? Here’s an inside look at the history, message and legacy of this remarkably influential text.

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