The 100 Maxims in Neurology series is a comprehensive textbook covering more than one hundred clinical rules and relevant references. Chapter 9 discusses stroke management, addressing the general principles of cerebrovascular disease, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining normal blood pressure and glucose levels, particularly in the acute stroke setting. Other topics covered include antiplatelet drugs, anticoagulation, and optimal use of endarterectomy in asymptomatic patients.
To make women want you, it is necessary to understand how women approach men. A man must be able to subdue the feminine chaos and make her feel desired and accepted before he can satisfy her. If you do not chase women, she will feel as if you are not interested in her. This is a classic example of how women manipulate men by using law 8: their burden of performance, need to prove their masculinity, and interest in men against them. As a result, men must understand that women want a relationship with a man who can satisfy all their needs.
Maxim178 is all about making women come to you. Unlike other techniques, not chasing women communicates that you don't need her; instead, you should make her come to you. The law of attraction allows women to manipulate men. They use law 8 to their advantage: man's need to prove his masculinity, interest, and burden of performance against him. Women simply want to be desired and accepted. Consequently, they use the law of attraction against men to get what they want.
Women are insatiably attracted to men who are superior breeders and workers, and vice versa. A woman is a terrible mother or partner if she is a slacker and uncommitted. Signs that the relationship is going bad include desexualisation, cessation of flirtation, and other symptoms. Remember that destruction is often the precursor of creation, so a man can rebuild a woman into his image but can also destroy her.