The Care Coordination and Management Process


CARE is an international humanitarian organization providing long term assistance and development projects in areas of culture, language, health and education. Founded in 1945, CARE is neutral, independent, and nonsectarian. It is also one of the oldest and largest humanitarian aid organizations devoted to fighting global poverty and disease. Today, it works to improve the lives of more than 7 million people in over 40 countries through its many programs.

Because of their distinctive approach, CARPE alone has helped lift millions out of poverty and improve the lives of millions more. The methods used are sustainable and community-based which have been adopted by hundreds of thousands of other organizations besides CARPE. Most of the projects developed by CARPE have been implemented in developing countries where financial support is not easily available or sufficient to finance long term projects. There are two aspects to the projects: primary health and secondary health. These are designed to provide quality medical and health services to the poor, empower them, prevent diseases, increase access to quality education, and provide jobs and livelihoods to the rural people.

The primary health care system is built on a system of community-based primary health care facilities where primary health-care personnel are appointed by the community. They include doctors, nurses, therapists, dietitians, pharmacists, technicians, etc. and are based on well-researched, evidence-based strategies. The services provided include immunization, screening, testing, proper treatment, referral to medical treatment, follow-up care, and follow-up care with special emphasis at the time of hospital discharge. In secondary health care, the primary health care system is supplemented by a variety of patient care centers, including hospitals, laboratories, surgery centers, clinics, and hospices.

Primary health care systems vary in structure depending on their purpose and the culture of the communities they serve. In a large primary care clinic, the system represents the entire health Care professional or practice. This may include several nursing staff, specialists, surgeons, specialists, and other members. In a community health care system, the system representative represents only the primary care physician or service.

The primary care physician should coordinate the primary health care system as needed. The system representative should be trained to undertake such tasks. The health care system representative may act as a liaison with health care entities, agencies, and organizations. They are also responsible for coordinating and working in close coordination with each of the primary care physicians. When a referral is made to a specialist, the system representative would again be in charge of coordinating the referral and use of resources among health care entities. The health care system representative may also work in close conjunction with the agency or organization that referred the patient and coordinate the follow-up.

The care coordination and management process includes several interrelated processes. The first is the assessment of a patient's condition. The next is the referral of the patient to an appropriate specialist. The next is the evaluation of the specialist's diagnosis and prognosis. The third is the implementation of the recommended patient care activities, including the preparation of the treatment plan, monitoring the treatment, follow-up care coordination and management, discharge instructions and discharge limitations.

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