A Unique Tetrapak Packaging Product


A Tetra Pak ( Tetrapak) is a food storage and packaging solution. It was invented in 1970 by Swedish-Swedish inventor, Ruben Rausing. Tetra Pak is an international food manufacturing and packaging business with head offices in Pully, Sweden and Lund, Denmark. The company was founded by Ruben Rausing, who developed the original tetra-hedron-shaped composite paper carton, which gave the company its name.

In recent years tetra pak has made some major advancements. Tetrapak introduced aseptic packaging to its line of products, which uses an advanced and patented anaerobic bacterial growth process which is more effective than conventional packaging methods. Tetrapak aseptic packaging is used for products that have the potential to be contaminated with pathogens. Tetra has also developed a novel method of shipping that has reduced costs and risk and raised performance standards for food products. Tetrapak is currently launching a series of innovations aimed at making its packaging available to more consumers.

Currently tetra pak packaging consists of two primary components: recycled paperboard and a special clear plastic top sheet. Recycled paperboard is produced in three main forms. First, virgin paperboard can be produced with no bleaching, ink or stabilizer and is typically pre-stained with a colour to indicate the manufacturing process. This type of recycled paperboard can be used for most Tetra pak package.

The second form of recycled paperboard is semi-bleached using a water-based biocide. Semi-bleaching reduces the visibility of the logo and brand image but does not reduce the quality of the product. The final type of recycled paperboard is made by dehydrating the top sheet and pouring molten tin on it. Prior to being packaged tetra pak packages are wrapped in an acid free protective coating which is specifically designed to withstand exposure to chemicals such as solvents. Tetrapak has also launched a range of innovative packaging options such as food grade stencils and foil inserts which can add additional functionality to the packaging.

Packaging is one of the key revenue generating areas for all packaging suppliers and Tetrapak has identified this as a significant strength in their packaging portfolio. Tetrapak is continually looking at new ways to improve the design and production process of their packaging supplies and is constantly looking at ways to improve the production process of individual ingredients which only come in small volumes. Packaging errors can result in lost revenue and profit and this can have a significant impact on company profitability. Additionally, packaging errors can cause the delay or even complete cancellation of an order. A Tetrapak package incorporates the full advantages of using an individually printed, lightweight and reusable cardboard as well as a lightweight but strong and durable cardboard box. Furthermore, the Tetra pak package numbers used in the printing process provide the company with additional advantages.

The Tetrapak company has received great feedback from its consumers and suppliers and continues to exceed expectations. Tetrapak offers a comprehensive line of Tetrapak Packaging including disposable boxes, custom printed and imprinted boxes, eco friendly pouches, recyclable tote bags, and biodegradable snack bags. They have developed numerous methods of recycling cardboard to produce tetra brik aseptic packaging which helps reduce costs, conserve energy and increase sustainability. The cardboard they use for their packaging is reprocessed for reuse and refilling as well as reclaimed paperboard and cardboard. The products produced by the company meet all the requirements for food grade and are completely BPA free. The cardboard that is used for tetrapak packaging can be recycled and reused resulting in a continuous reduction in the volume of plastic bottles and cans being disposed of each year.

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